Wildfire Prevention Arborist Services in OR, WA, ID and MT
Protect Your Property From Wildfire With Arborist Services
For homes and businesses located in areas of high wildfire risk, we offer specific arborist services for wildfire protection. To keep your home or building safe, we’ll create a wildfire protection action plan specific to your property, vegetation, and terrain.
We will establish defensible space around your structures according to local regulations, which reduces your property’s exposure to fire and makes it easier to defend. Typically, we will thin and remove brush, dead and lower tree branches, while clearing the ground of weeds, grasses, or woody debris. By doing so, we will deny the fire fuel as it gets close to structures, prevent it from laddering up into tree crowns, and create firebreaks that slow or stop fire from spreading further.
How Arborist Services Prevent and Protect Against Wildfire
An unmanaged landscape is at a much greater risk of wildfire damage than a property maintained by experienced arborists.
If trees, shrubs, and grass are allowed to grow unimpeded, they will form dense vegetation. In this situation, water and nutrients are spread more thinly and each plant is weaker and more susceptible to bugs, disease, and death. If trees or shrubs die, they leave standing deadwood, which is highly flammable. Dense vegetation, particularly during drought years, is the ideal fuel to create an out-of-control wildfire.
With our arborist services, we will strategically manage vegetation on your property to thin and cut back vegetation, which will support plant health and reduce your property’s vulnerability to fire. In many cases, it is clear that areas of managed forest have less intense and harmful fires than thick forests that grow naturally.
Arborist Services for Wildfire Prevention and Protection
Our wildfire prevention and protection services include:
- Brush thinning and removal
- Pruning and removing lower tree limbs
- Removing deadwood and dead plants
- Cutting weeds and grass down to 6 inches
- Selective clearing vegetation to create open firebreaks
- Taking out dead, diseased, or Infested Trees
- Removing dry, flammable woody debris larger than half an inch
- Cleaning up needles, mulch, and duff within 100’ of buildings
For your property, we’ll utilize these practices to create defensible space, comply with local regulations for wildfire safety, and provide the best protection possible for your home and property. Additionally, we can provide guidance on plant selection for species that have a fire-retardant effect. Typically, these are species that stay green and hold moisture in their leaves throughout the year, making them hard to burn and unlikely to spread the fire further.
To learn more about our arborist services for wildfire protection and prevention, reach out to our office.